Stella's Swimming Lessons!

Stella has been taking swimming lessons for the last two weeks at a swimming school in Dallas. It was every morning for two weeks. She loved it! These pictures are from her last day of class. Stephen got to come with us because he was off for the 4th of July. I wish you all could have seen her face when she got to bring Stephen into her class. Her smile couldn't have been bigger. She was so proud to show him all of her hard work!

Here they are lined up to begin class. The little girl in the class is named Adelaide. And her teacher Ms. Rebecca always called the girls Miss Stella and Miss Adelaide. When Stella would come home and tell us stories about swimming she always told me about Miss Adelaide. I told her that it was just Adelaide but she insisted it was MissAdelaide. She would run it together like a name not realizing Ms. Rebecca was saying Miss.

Every day the teacher had a theme and all of the games the kids played went with that theme. Friday was fish day. I don't know what the teacher was saying to them but they were always laughing about the different things she was telling them.

Here is Rayna with her very sad face because Stephen went inside the pool area and left her. But overall she did so well. I was very surprised that she didn't ask to get in the water but I think she knew the routine because it was just like when we used to bring Stella to dance. We would bring her to the side of the pool and then go and watch in the waiting area with the glass wall. She is in a nonstop talking phase so she kept me entertained telling me about everything going on. It was a lot of fun!

Here is Stella swimming underwater. The teacher would bring her down to the step in the pool and she would jump off and swim to her. By the end of the class Stella could hold her breath for nine seconds and swim to Rebecca. I was so impressed!

Stella loved wearing her goggles. She would keep them on between her turns so she looked really cute sitting on the side of the pool.

Making her "pillow" and floating with Ms. Rebecca.

One of Stella's favorite parts of the class was giving Ms. Rebecca high fives. After they had taken their turn she would give them five and they could choose if they wanted her to spin around or fall back into the pool. Stella would always choose to have her fall back. So she would giver her five and Rebecca would act like it pushed her back into the pool and under water. The kids loved it! One morning when Stella was eating her oatmeal she told me she had to eat it all so she would have enough energy to knock Mrs. Rebecca over when she gave her a high five!

Every day the kids got a little prize to go with the theme for the day. Stella always made sure to ask for one for Rayna too. It was a lot of fun for Stella and we had a great time watching her too!


cheryl said...

Such a little swimmer! Go Stella!

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