Our 2 Year Old Girl!

Rayna had her 2 year well-check yesterday. She did so well! I guess between all of the books we read about going to the doctor and Stella and Rayna always giving their babies check-ups with their doctor kit is just isn't a big deal anymore. She let the doctor check her out with no trouble and even showed off a few of her many talents for him. I was so proud!

She is 28.3 lbs and about 35 inches (we got a few different measurements for height). So that makes her in the 70-75% for girls her age.
But we are always shining stars in the head department! She measured 19 3/4 inches and that is about the 97%!! No wonder she is so smart :)

I still can't believe she is 2! Stephen got this great picture of her when she woke up from her nap last weekend. I love that he got her with her cat. She sleeps with it everyday. You can just see the admiration in her eyes in the picture. She calls it her "baby cat". I never expected her to attach to a certain toy but attach she has! At least we have 2 of them just in case we ever lose one.

Keep up the good work our sweet girl. We love you so...

We can't wait to see you all this weekend!!


cheryl said...

LOVE the picture! It makes me want to kiss those sweet cheeks. Her curls are just perfect.

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