Our first "Garden"!

 This weekend we started our first small attempt at gardening. Of course, we don't have a yard so a few potted plants on our balcony was the best we could do. Stella was so excited about it. She couldn't wait to put our new plants in their pots. On Saturday we went to a local farmer's market and bought two tomato plants and two basil plants. Then we went and got a few pots and a few petunias just for fun.

Here are Stella and Rayna decorating the pots before planting.

Stella was so excited about her new garden gloves. It is precious how serious and focused she was about it all. 
Here she is posing with her new tomato plant!

She was way too busy to have time to smile for the camera but I love how you can get a feel for how serious it all was to her. I think she may have gotten her Mimi's love for gardening. Now I just hope she got her green thumb too!

Last step... getting them all watered. I don't think I'll have any trouble remembering to water them. Stella can't wait to get back to work tomorrow! We'll keep you posted... 


cheryl said...

How fun! Love Stella's concentration face. ;o)

Marion said...

Did you go to the Dallas Farmers Market? If not it is worth the drive...it is AMAZING

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