On Saturday we went to the Galleria Mall in Dallas to ice skate. Stella is a pro at it these days! This rink was about twice the size as the one in NYC so it took a lot of work to get around each time.
Here she is showing her confidence going along all by herself. She did better than me!
I love this picture. It looks like she is doing a fancy dance move.
The whole Carlson gang got out on the ice together. They were all great at it. Even their little one was flying around the rink with her dad. Their son loved it. He didn't want to leave and he had already convinced his parents to take him again when they got home.
On Sunday we went to the Fort Worth zoo. It was a beautiful day! A little chilly but the sun was out. Here we are all together. We didn't even try to get everyone looking. We would have been there all day.
If you look closely at this picture you can see the look of admiration on Stella's face. This was the look she had the whole time they were here. She just thought he was so cool. And he was so sweet to her. He taught her how to play hide-and-go-seek and how to play his PlayStation game.
She had such a great time! Watching your child have so much fun has got to be one of the best things about being a parent.
If you look closely at this picture you can see the look of admiration on Stella's face. This was the look she had the whole time they were here. She just thought he was so cool. And he was so sweet to her. He taught her how to play hide-and-go-seek and how to play his PlayStation game.
She had such a great time! Watching your child have so much fun has got to be one of the best things about being a parent.
Rayna had a lot of fun too. She has a hard time keeping up with the big kids but she did what she could. And she loved seeing all of the animals.
The zoo had a really great bird sanctuary. You could buy little sticks with seeds on them and feed the birds. We all had a great time doing this.
Our little crew!
All three girls had fun getting rides when they got tired. Must be nice!
Here are all the kids having an ice cream social together!
Stella thought this was so fun! Don't worry she isn't actually holding her all by herself. If you look you can see Stephen's shoulder. He is holding her from behind. But it is hard to tell.
Here are all the kids having an ice cream social together!
The grown-ups played a couple of games, that Charles had brought along, when the kids were asleep. I don't think I have thought that hard in a while:).
We had such a great weekend. My heart has been so full all week. Thanks for coming to see us, we love you so much!!
P.S. Doesn't that look like fun?! You should come and see us too!