Homemade Tutus

I found a website online that showed you how to make tutus. It was really easy and fun. Stella modeled them for me this morning. I couldn't believe how easily she agreed to it. She has a little bit of a fever so maybe it was making her unable to think straight. Usually she is always sure to run around like a wild woman when I want her to take a picture.

These are from a few nights ago. Rayna had fun running around and testing out the new tutu.

Her cheeks are still just so cute. Even today at the grocery story she was getting compliments on them. And to think how small they are compared to the day she was born. I remember holding her cheeks back so I could get an idea of what she would look like as she got older. I hope they stick around for a lot longer.

Here she is as her regular wild and fun self. You can see much more of her antics on our picasa sight. She had a great time rocking the horse so hard she would fly off of it.

Rayna has really got the cowgirl thing down! Here is is saying, "Yeehaw!"


cheryl said...

ADORABLE Ivy!!! Those turned out so great. :o)

Anonymous said...

So cute...I would love that website. I know Haley would love another tutu!


Amanda said...

Apparently dance class taught her that you stop dancing and smile when Mom gets out the camera.

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